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The Google Sheets logo.

VLOOKUP is one of the most misunderstood functions in Google Sheets. It allows you to search through and link together two sets of data in your spreadsheet with a single search value. Here’s how to use it.

VLOOKUP是Google表格中最容易被误解的功能之一。 它使您可以使用单个搜索值搜索电子表格中的两组数据并将其链接在一起。 这是使用方法。

Unlike Microsoft Excel, there’s no  to help you in Google Sheets, so you have to type the formula manually.

与Microsoft Excel不同,没有可以在Google表格中为您提供帮助,因此您必须手动输入公式。

VLOOKUP在Google表格中的工作方式 (How VLOOKUP Works in Google Sheets)

VLOOKUP might sound confusing, but it’s pretty simple once you understand how it works.  A formula that uses the VLOOKUP function has four arguments.

VLOOKUP听起来可能令人困惑,但是一旦您了解了它的工作原理,它就非常简单。 使用VLOOKUP函数的公式具有四个参数。

The first is the search key value you’re looking for, and the second is the cell range you’re searching (e.g., A1 to D10). The third argument is the column index number from your range to be searched, where the first column in your range is number 1, the next is number 2, and so on.

第一个是您要搜索的搜索键值,第二个是您要搜索的单元格范围(例如,A1至D10)。 第三个参数是要搜索的范围中的列索引号,范围中的第一列是数字1,下一个是数字2,依此类推。

The fourth argument is whether the search column has been sorted or not.


The pieces that make up a VLOOKUP formula in Google Sheets.

The final argument is only important if you’re looking for the closest match to your search key value. If you’d rather return exact matches to your search key, you set this argument to FALSE.

仅当您正在寻找与搜索键值最接近的匹配项时,最后一个参数才重要。 如果您希望将完全匹配的结果返回给您的搜索关键字,请将此参数设置为FALSE。

Here’s an example of how you might use VLOOKUP. A company spreadsheet might have two sheets: one with a list of products (each with an ID number and price), and a second with a list of orders.

这是如何使用VLOOKUP的示例。 公司电子表格可能有两张纸:一张包含产品列表(每个都有ID号和价格),第二张包含订单列表。

You can use the ID number as your VLOOKUP search value to find the price for each product quickly.


One thing to note is VLOOKUP can’t search through data to the left of the column index number. In most cases, you either have to disregard the data in columns to the left of your search key or place your search key data in the first column.

需要注意的一件事是VLOOKUP无法搜索列索引号左侧的数据。 在大多数情况下,您要么必须忽略搜索键左侧列中的数据,要么将搜索键数据置于第一列中。

在单张纸上使用VLOOKUP (Using VLOOKUP on a Single Sheet)

For this example, let’s say you have two tables with data on a single sheet. The first table is a list of employees’ names, ID numbers, and birthdays.

对于此示例,假设您在一张纸上有两个数据表。 第一个表是员工姓名,ID号和生日的列表。

A Google Sheets spreadsheet showing two tables of employee information.

In a second table, you can use VLOOKUP to search for data that uses any of the criteria from the first table (name, ID number, or birthday). In this example, we’ll use VLOOKUP to provide the birthday for a specific employee ID number.

在第二张表中,可以使用VLOOKUP从第一张表中搜索使用任何条件的数据(名称,ID号或生日)。 在此示例中,我们将使用VLOOKUP为特定员工ID号提供生日。

The appropriate VLOOKUP formula for this is =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 4, FALSE).


The VLOOKUP function in Google Sheets, used to match data from table A to table B.

To break this down, VLOOKUP uses the F4 cell value (123) as the search key and searches the range of cells from A3 to D9. It returns data from column number 4 in this range (column D, “Birthday”), and, as we want an exact match, the final argument is FALSE.

为了解决这个问题,VLOOKUP使用F4单元格值(123)作为搜索关键字,并搜索从A3到D9的单元格范围。 它返回第4列在此范围内的数据(列D,“生日”),并且,由于我们要精确匹配,因此最后一个参数为FALSE。

In this case, for ID number 123, VLOOKUP returns a birthdate of 19/12/1971 (using the DD/MM/YY format). We’ll expand this example further by adding a column to table B for surnames, making it link the birthday dates to actual people.

在这种情况下,对于ID号123,VLOOKUP返回的出生日期为19/12/1971(使用DD / MM / YY格式)。 我们将通过在表B上添加一列姓氏来进一步扩展此示例,使其将生日日期链接到实际的人。

This requires only a simple change to the formula. In our example, in cell H4, =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 3, FALSE)searches for the surname that matches ID number 123.

这只需要简单地更改公式即可。 在我们的示例中,在单元格H4中, =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 3, FALSE)搜索与ID号123相匹配的姓。

VLOOKUP in Google Sheets, returning data from one table to another.

Instead of returning the birthdate, it returns the data from column number 3 (“Surname”) matched to the ID value located in column number 1 (“ID”).

它不返回出生日期,而是返回第3列(“姓”)中与位于第1列(“ ID”)中的ID值匹配的数据。

将VLOOKUP与多张图纸一起使用 (Use VLOOKUP with Multiple Sheets)

The example above used a set of data from a single sheet, but you can also use VLOOKUP to search data across multiple sheets in a spreadsheet. In this example, the information from table A is now on a sheet called “Employees,” while table B is now on a sheet called “Birthdays.”

上面的示例使用了单个工作表中的一组数据,但是您也可以使用VLOOKUP在电子表格中的多个工作表中搜索数据。 在此示例中,表A中的信息现在位于名为“雇员”的工作表上,而表B中的信息现在位于名为“生日”的工作表中。

Instead of using a typical cell range like A3:D9, you can click on an empty cell, and then type: =VLOOKUP(A4, Employees!A3:D9, 4, FALSE).

您可以单击一个空单元格,然后输入: =VLOOKUP(A4, Employees!A3:D9, 4, FALSE)来代替使用典型的单元格范围(如A3:D9 =VLOOKUP(A4, Employees!A3:D9, 4, FALSE)

VLOOKUP in Google Sheets, returning data from one sheet to another.

When you add the name of the sheet to the beginning of the cell range (Employees!A3:D9), the VLOOKUP formula can use the data from a separate sheet in its search.


在VLOOKUP中使用通配符 (Using Wildcards with VLOOKUP)

Our examples above used exact search key values to locate matching data. If you don’t have an exact search key value, you can also use wildcards, like a question mark or an asterisk, with VLOOKUP.

上面的示例使用了精确的搜索键值来定位匹配的数据。 如果您没有确切的搜索关键字值,也可以在VLOOKUP中使用通配符,例如问号或星号。

For this example, we’ll use the same set of data from our examples above, but if we move the “First Name” column to column A, we can use a partial first name and an asterisk wildcard to search the surnames of employees.


The VLOOKUP formula to search for surnames using a partial first name is =VLOOKUP(B12, A3:D9, 2, FALSE); your search key value goes in cell B12.

使用部分名字搜索姓氏的VLOOKUP公式为=VLOOKUP(B12, A3:D9, 2, FALSE); 您的搜索键值将进入单元格B12。

In the example below, “Chr*” in cell B12 matches the surname “Geek” in the sample lookup table.

在下面的示例中,单元格B12中的“ Chr *”与样本查找表中的姓“ Geek”匹配。

The results of a surname wildcard VLOOKUP search used in Google Sheets.

用VLOOKUP搜索最接近的匹配项 (Searching for the Closest Match with VLOOKUP)

You can use the final argument of a VLOOKUP formula to search for either an exact or closest match to your search key value. In our previous examples, we searched for an exact match, so we set this value to FALSE.

您可以使用VLOOKUP公式的最后一个参数来搜索与您的搜索键值完全匹配或最接近的匹配。 在前面的示例中,我们搜索了完全匹配的内容,因此我们将此值设置为FALSE。

If you want to find the closest match to a value, change VLOOKUP’s final argument to TRUE. As this argument specifies whether a range is sorted or not, make sure your search column is sorted from A-Z, or it won’t work correctly.

如果要查找与值最接近的匹配项,请将VLOOKUP的最终参数更改为TRUE。 由于此参数指定是否对范围进行排序,请确保您的搜索列是按AZ排序的,否则它将无法正常工作。

In our table below, we have a list of items to buy (A3 to B9), along with item names and prices. They’re sorted by price from lowest to highest. Our total budget to spend on a single item is $17 (cell D4). We used a VLOOKUP formula to find the most affordable item on the list.

在下表中,我们列出了要购买的商品(A3至B9)以及商品名称和价格。 它们按价格从最低到最高排序。 我们用于单个项目的总预算为$ 17(单元格D4)。 我们使用VLOOKUP公式在列表中找到最实惠的商品。

The appropriate VLOOKUP formula for this example is =VLOOKUP(D4, A4:B9, 2, TRUE). Because this VLOOKUP formula is set to find the nearest match lower than the search value itself, it can only look for items cheaper than the set budget of $17.

对于此示例,适当的VLOOKUP公式为=VLOOKUP(D4, A4:B9, 2, TRUE) 。 因为此VLOOKUP公式设置为查找比搜索值本身低的最接近匹配项,所以它只能查找比设置的预算(17美元)便宜的商品。

In this example, the cheapest item under $17 is the bag, which costs $15, and that’s the item the VLOOKUP formula returned as the result in D5.

在此示例中,最便宜的商品在$ 17以下是袋子,价格为$ 15,这是VLOOKUP公式作为D5中的结果返回的商品。

A VLOOKUP in Google Sheets with sorted data to find the nearest value to the search key value.



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